An excerpt from the book by Ruslan Zhukovets “The Book on the Obvious and the Non-obvious”

Breaking from identification with the physical body[1], emotions, or mind is achieved through observation of the object of identification and realizing that there is a distance between the observer and the observed. The longer you can hang in there as an observer, the more you realize that human lower bodies rank below consciousness. Not the other way around, as people may think.

Assuming that the true seeker strives to be constantly aware of himself and to monitor his inner reactions and outer manifestations, I will describe the basics of observing the activity of the mind as a bespoke exercise.

Please understand that this work can benefit you only if you are already at an intermediate level of witnessing and meditation and have developed consistent daily awareness to some degree; otherwise, you are likely to fail.

So, you've decided to observe the workings of the mind. It is recommended to do this technique when you have enough energy. If you're tired or didn't get enough sleep, do it at a later time.

Make sure you are not under time pressure, and your mind is not distracted by thoughts like: "It will need to wrap up soon, I need to go to the store."

The best body position for this exercise is sitting on the floor or in a chair; keeping your back straight but not tense is important.

Once you have sat down to begin the exercise, spend a couple of minutes preparing yourself - check your body to ensure no tensions are distracting you and allow your energy to calm and "settle down." Then you are ready to begin observing.

The first layer of vibrations that you encounter is the layer of constantly running and ever-changing thoughts. This layer is characteristic of the most intense and rough vibrations; it is easily seen, and people often identify with it. That is the very thought process that is believed to be under the control of the thinking person. Although this layer is relatively easy to observe, there is a catch: you must resist the temptation to indulge in habitual dwelling about one's sorrowful affairs and be enticed by thoughts into daydreaming.

Keep your attention non-identified for as long as possible. Until you adjust, this exercise will take substantial effort and cost you a lot of energy.

If you feel that you begin to identify and your thoughts are carrying you away, exit the exercise. You can do better by sleeping on a couch.

If you are committed and persistent in your observation, you will quickly pass the first layer of thoughts and see the second layer. Its vibrations are more subtle and less controllable. This layer is where earworms like stuck songs and catchy tunes "auto-repeat" and which obsessive thoughts spanning from filler phrases to unrelenting self-improvement or suicide ideations infiltrate and dwell.

In this layer, you may also locate visual images associated with fears or desires, a string of vivid images racing through so quickly that one can have a hard time making sense of them.

This layer is more difficult to go through because the mind tends to skip the game and fall asleep. If you feel that you are falling asleep, end the exercise - don't let your mind get the better of you.

Once you penetrate the second layer, you'll discover the third one, the very core or the center of what is called the mind. It emanates the most subtle high-frequency vibrations. It's what sets the other two layers in motion. At this level, there are no words or pictures, just a sensation of vibrations and energy. Some colors may appear in front of the inner eye from time to time.

As you observe this center, you may find yourself in a situation where the mind truly stops. If this happens, you will never again become identified with the mind.

Let's outline the list of recommendations for the successful performance of this technique:

1. If you decide to try this practice, remember that doing it once or twice a week is useless. You need to do it daily -- five to ten or more days.

2. Don't bother about how much time you spend on the exercise. Don't let your mind overrule you. If you feel that you begin falling asleep within three minutes of starting the exercise, quit. Go back to the practice tomorrow, and maybe you'll last longer.

3. If you want to make it to the end and accomplish the task, abstain from any form of alcohol for the entire cycle of this exercise. Alcohol aggravates rough vibrations in the mind, making it difficult to go deep within.

Everyone who searches will find; slow and steady wins the race. With proper persistence and commitment, everything will work out.


[1] intensely pleasurable or painful sensations