“No man is a prophet in his own land,” so the folk wisdom says. Osho was not an exception to the rule, and in India, for a long time he was perceived with quite a bit of hostility – too bold and unusual were the message and methods of the Work which he brought. His rebellious spirit didn’t fit in even in America, from which he was deported, and where he was poisoned with thallium. The scandals accompanying Osho frightened away some, and provoked the interest of other potential seekers. Among law-abiding citizens, his reputation was ruined forever, but that is the fate of the majority of mystics in all times. Now, Indians are proud of the fact that their nation produced such a great son, and Osho’s books are placed in the library of their congress. Osho often said that a dead Master is always more convenient than a live one, and now we have a visible confirmation of this.

No one can become a Master if he doesn’t love people. Without love, there will be no acceptance, no interest to them, to their problems and sufferings. From love comes patience, thanks to which the hearts opened to the Truth. Osho spoke about love without an object, without a direction in which it must flow. Such love pours out on everyone, nourishing those who are capable of perceiving it. Osho was a conduit of Love, and that is also one of the reasons why people traveled to him from the farthest corners of the earth. Unquestionably, he possessed religious genius, and it is impossible to find an equal to him in the mastery of discussions and commentaries. Even with all his mistakes, Osho did an enormous Work, and his books are quite relevant and will remain so for a long time still. Osho himself said that his influence would last 100 years after his death. Today, it is still alive, and what will come later, time will tell.