Osho said of himself a number of times that Buddhism is closest of all to him and that he himself is a latent Buddhist. Even so, of course, he repeatedly discussed God in commentaries to his latest text, where it was impossible to get by without God. What Osho said from himself sounded like this: there is eternal Existence, in which we all live; it is impersonal, but creating life and interacting with us in some way. Thus was the expression of his experience, and there is no reason to deny its truthfulness. Existence is everything and nothing; it must be trusted; stop fastening on the mind with its limitations, and everything will be fine. Someone will say – that’s essentially a description of God, but there is a difference. You can’t interact with infinity; there must be a certain point to which your prayers come and from which an answer to them will be received. In infinity and eternity, your energy dissipates without a trace, and there will be no one to answer you. Therefore, people create gods for themselves, and therefore, there is a level of perception at which a person perceives God as a Source, as a Power, having a center. I wrote in more detail about this in the chapter “Levels of God” in the book In God’s Presence.  Osho skipped over this level of perception, landing immediately on the next one without having become aware of the receiving of Grace. No enlightened one can know everything – Truth is endless and multi-dimensional, life is short, and the Way is prescribed. Osho still tried to embrace the unembraceable; hence the number of factual and other mistakes in his texts. Some things he succeeded at, some things not, but one mystic cannot succeed in everything, no matter how talented and enlightened he was,

In the last years of his life, Osho turned to Zen. He understand that little time was left, and turned to Zen as a method promising instant awakening. Then Osho began to use the concept of non-mind – a special space beyond the bounds of the mind – into which students could “jump” or go into the process of meditations, conducted right during the time of conversations in the presence of the Master. Possibly, by that moment Osho already saw that his dynamic meditations did not work to the full extent, and decided to try another way, which was based not on the expectation of an explosion, but on an instant departure from the mind. As far as I understand, this attempt was also not very successful because such breakthroughs must be carefully prepared with the practice of awareness, and serious internal work. But people living in an ashram were too well compensated to grow their awareness to the necessary level.